NTEA Ambulance Manufacturers Division requests public comment

Ambulance Manufacturers Division (AMD), an NTEA operating division, announces a period of public comment for AMD Standardized Test Methods 001–028.

AMD is currently revising AMD Standardized Test Methods 001–028 to improve the existing test procedures. AMD Standardized Test Methods (STMs) are test procedures used to validate specific performance requirements of the Federal Specification for the Star-of- Life Ambulance (KKK-A-1822F). AMD wishes to solicit any public comments, editions or corrections that may enhance the quality of the STMs within their respective stated scope, purpose and application to the current edition of the Federal Specification.

View AMD Standardized Test Methods in draft form.

Comments on changes to the Standardized Test Methods must be submitted in writing (either typed or legibly written) using this form. Written comments and suggestions regarding draft changes to the STMs need to include a reasonable and rational explanation for the changes(s) based in sound engineering principles, proposed/revised language, cost/benefit analysis, verifiable statistics, test results and/or engineering studies where applicable. 

Suggested changes must be performance-based, industry-generic and cannot in any way restrict trade or innovation. Comments and suggestions received without the aforementioned information cannot be considered. Contact information must also be provided with any submittal in case questions arise with the provided comments. 

All comments must be received by June 17, 2024, via info@ntea.com or the following address:

Attn: AMD Technical Committee – Draft Standardized Test Methods Comments 2024
         37400 Hills Tech Drive
         Farmington Hills, MI  48331

AMD is composed of manufacturers of ambulances, rescue and emergency vehicles, and related emergency apparatus and equipment. The organization, which became an NTEA operating division in 1986, works to expand and improve its market segment; acquire, preserve and disseminate information on the role of emergency vehicles; improve relationships with other industry segments; promote new product innovations; and assist in the development of industry safety standards and programs.