Manufacturers Sales Representatives Council (MSRC)

The Manufacturers Sales Representatives Council (MSRC) was formed as an NTEA operating division in December 2010. Benefits of MSRC membership include training and education to build members’ management skills. The MSRC also encourages and promotes the use of its members to industry manufacturers.

MSRC Officers:
Chair • Chris Cherry, Cherry Sales Associates Inc
Vice Chair • Rick Whitlock, H & W Marketing Inc
Treasurer • Jeff Stregiel, Upstate Sales Ent.

Member Companies

NTEA Secretary: Steve Latin-Kasper, NTEA director of market data and research 

How to Join:
Membership is open to any NTEA member - individual, propriertorship, partnership or corporation - involved in the sales representation of manufacturing firms in the truck equipment industry. To Join, download the membership application and return to NTEA. For more information, contact NTEA Secretary Steve Latin-Kasper at 248-479-8193.

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