4 keys to an organized work-life

By Derek Hill, Generation Next Governor at Large
Fallsway Equipment Co Inc

This article was originally published in the July 2021 issue of Generation Next Edition

Do you ever lose your handle on what’s next during the workday? Do your priorities get away from you? Trying to find that phone number you wrote on the back of a receipt? Through trial and error, I’ve found a few things that help keep me organized and on track. Here are my top four.

To-do lists

I know it sounds like a simple thing, but creating a to-do list before launching into the workday keeps me focused and on track. I keep a notepad next to my computer and in the car to jot down additional items gained during calls. For the tech-savvy, there are applications available for download that allow you to enter notes at any time. There is no right or wrong way to create a to-do list … it’s just about finding the best way to keep you organized and focused throughout the day.

CRM systems 

Your organization might have a customer relationship management (CRM) system available; this will help organize your information even further. These systems can dial it down to that moment you need to make a phone call, send an email, or attend an appointment/meeting. In the end, they can enable you to provide better customer service and improve customer relationships. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it.  


It’s easy to make a list of what you have to do, but some tasks are more urgent than others. Try making a top-tier list of tasks that you know need to get done first and then focus on those. There’s nothing wrong with ranking your tasks from "Needs Done ASAP" to "No Rush." This can keep you on task for the day. Don’t forget to add 1-2 easy items on that list so you can achieve little victories throughout the day.

Productive time

That 3 p.m. slump can hit hard – making you feel less focused, like you are climbing a mountain with each task. Is there a time of day when you feel more focused than any other time? Pay attention to when you feel the most productive, and use that time-slot to complete tasks on your list. This can be your time to shoot out emails, make phone calls, or complete unfinished projects. Remove yourself from distraction by locking your office door or finding a quiet place to work.

Staying on track can be a daunting task. Utilizing a couple of the tips above can help you stay productive, focused, and organized to improve your workflow.

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