Country Commercial Profiles

U.S. Commercial Service Market Research Library

The U.S. Commercial Service Market Research Library has more than 100,000 industry- and country-specific market reports. Visit to search Country Commercial Guides, Industry Overviews, Market Updates, Multilateral Development Bank Reports, Best Markets, and Industry/Regional Reports.

Central Intelligence Agency 

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) collects foreign intelligence to assist the president and senior advisors in making decisions for U.S. security.

A product from the CIA is The World Factbook, which contains information on every country in the world, with details regarding their geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.

Emerging Market Economies

In recognition of challenges business face within the truck equipment industry, many companies have fared well by taking advantage of free trade agreements. The most prominent global markets are Brazil, Russia, India, Mexico and China (BRIMC). Their political and economic infrastructures are stable and expanding to keep pace with their expected Gross Domestic Product growth rate.