3 tips to set goals

By Shane Woodman, chairman, Generation Next
Onspot of North America Inc

This article was originally published in the August 2019 issue of Generation Next Edition

Did you start the year with a new year’s resolution? Ask yourself, “Did I make it past February?” If you did, congratulations! If not, keep reading. These following three tips are proven to help higher performers succeed.

Tip 1: Annually, pick 7-10 goals and write them down.

These goals should consist of personal and organizational goals. Focus on two-three goals per quarter. Too many goals in progress will hinder your ability to achieve them. There are two types of goals: achievement goals and habit goals. An achievement goal is focused on a one-time accomplishment. An example would be to complete a half marathon by November 30. A habit goal consists of a regular, ongoing activity. An example would be to run three miles, four days a week.

Tip 2: Make sure you choose S.M.A.R.T.E.R goals.

                S: Specific- Identify exactly what you want to accomplish and by when.

                M: Measurable- Quantify the result that you want.

                A: Actionable- Use an action verb to start. Example: Read 30 pages per day.

                R: Risky- The goal should be in your discomfort zone.

                T: Time- Make sure your goal has a deadline   

                E: Exciting- Your goal should motivate you.

                R: Relevant- It should be appropriate to your stage in life.

Tip 3: Track your progress.               

A habit goal I would recommend implementing would be to review your goals daily to start your day. This will force you to stay on top of your progress. 

For each goal, write down your next steps. It is okay to for the first step to be something easy to get you going. After that, the steps should put you in your uncomfortable zone. This shows that the goals were, in fact, risky. Once you complete a step, check it off and move on. Progress tends to be a strong motivator for people. If you see yourself moving closer to your end goal, odds are that you will continue. When you complete your goal, you should give yourself a reward. An example of a reward: celebrate your win with a weekend getaway with your spouse. 

If you can follow these three tips to setting goals, I can guarantee you will start accomplishing more and more. Again, be sure to choose both personal and organizational goals. It is important to improve yourself personally; your organizational growth will follow. Best of luck achieving your goals!